Mmjcoin crypto currency

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CannabisCoin claims to exchange digital currency for cannabis. There is a range of pharmaceuticals and cannabis strains sold under the brand. CannabisCoin (CANN) is a peer-to-peer digital currency designed specifically for the Cannabis Community. It operates on the principles of the Bitcoin protocol. A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that enables users to store value, and engage in direct, peer-to-peer transactions with counterparties.[2].
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PoshCoin PSCN : PoshCoin is a state-of-the-art cryptocurrency that was developed expressly to handle the moral conundrums, regulatory problems, and other contentious issues that afflict the cannabis business. Partner Links. Table of Contents Expand. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These figures are anticipated to rise as additional states look into decriminalizing cannabis.